Saturday, October 25, 2008

mom love

Sometimes I forget that my mom is probably the wisest person in the world. This is because she's so wise, she doesn't mind telling me when I'm acting like a dumb ass, which I usually tend to take the wrong way.

Something really unwise in me tells me not to answer her phone calls, or open her e-mails when the subject line says 'What's the deal' or 'did you do __________ yet? It's been a month' and it's not because she's being a horrible mean mom and telling me I'm a horrible irresponsible person... (well... I suppose she's telling me I'm being irresponsible, but not in a horrible way)

.. I don't answer for the same reason it's been a month and a half and I still haven't filled out and mailed those blah-blah forms to her, with which she graciously included a self-addressed and stamped envelope to make it a little more likely that I'll get around to performing this small task that should have taken five minutes.

I don't answer because I figure, I'll talk to her once I've done it.. then she won't say 'oh my god Josette, are you serious (like OMGWTF) and I won't feel like a total retard because my procrastination levels are deep into the red zone labelled 'retarded'.

Enough about beating myself up already. My point is, my mom is the wisest person I know. She's like buddha only she's really hot and drives a red Honda Accord and carries a briefcase.

I've been avoiding her phone calls for almost two months now and since I was already sitting in my house moping like a child, I thought I would go ahead and make 'cool' use of my Friday night by calling my mom and whining about how my 'pretty-good-life' is 'slightly-inconvenient-slash-boring-sometimes'.

She's wise because she knows when to be frank, without being condescending. Our twenty-minute conversation was more enlightening than the Tao Te Ching I'm pretty sure because she was spot-on and effortless about everything she told me, like poetry or art and other things that are just right because they leave you feeling like, 'OHHHHHHHhhhh. ok. well shit.'

Now I am sitting here trying to remember specifically what she said that made me go 'Aw GAHHH Mum you're so fucking* (*censored) right!' ...but its a bit fuzzy... sometimes I wish I had a tape recorder. All I know is I feel I've been put in my place and it's the best possible place because I feel more confident and ready and a bit more lucid.

One thing I do remember her saying is, 'Nobody is stronger than anyone else.' Because I was being twenty-something and looking at someone else as being weaker than myself. And she's totally right, and I am totally humbled in this moment. I'll try to remember this next time I feel weak, or strong.

She also surprised me by supporting my passing thoughts about moving to NYC in the near future and totally egged me on to save up and get there in the next few months. She told me, 'You are adventurous, and you need stimulation, and you're so free, and so smart, and there are so many more opportunities there. And if you don't like it, you can go somewhere else, because you can do anything.'

She did not surprise me by discouraging my other passing thought about moving back to Maui.

Mom: 'You'll just be there and that's it.'

Me: 'But it's nice, and it heals me and I feel like it gives me strength.'

Mom: 'You need to invest your energy into your life, and put your energy into it. Any time you think life takes things from you, that you're less, or weak, or a worse person because of something that happens, it's


'Everything that happens to you in your life makes you a better person. You can only become a better person, stronger, more compassionate, wiser, more capable.'

'You can go back to Maui because its your life, and only you know what you need, but I will tell you that you will have more choices in NYC, and I will tell you that you are the kind of person who needs to have a choice, because you can't stay put.. not in a job, not in a way of thinking, or in a place. If you could have everything possible happen to you in one day, if you could time-warp to a million places in a week you would. And Maui is one place, on an island very far away and one way of life. And you will feel stagnant, you spent a year there, and you told me this yourself.'

And she was right again.

And also knew me better than I thought she did... knew me better than I knew myself even (at least in that moment).. and not only did she know me, but respected my way, which was not hers.

I thought she would tell me it was financially unwise, or that I should think about settling down and balancing my checkbook, or that I should stop moving every year or so for once but instead she told me to move forward, be free, to start thinking about my future, and grow..

I suppose she's never told me exactly what to do with my life, and I'd never listen anyway so maybe this is why I feel like it's unfolded perfectly according to (non)plan.

I got a bit teary-eyed... in the way like when you realize how lucky you are to know someone, only times a billion because that person is my mom, and she raised me sorta with that wisdom and compassion, and faith... which means, it's part of me.

I'm very lucky. I feel like a superhero but the kind that knows everyone else is a superhero too, so I don't feel like such a big-shot (because nobody's stronger than anybody else).

When my mom was my age, she had me, I was just born.

She knew why I hadn't done the tiny task she asked me to. I could tell she'd thought about it when she said 'Sometimes thinking about all the things you need to do is so exhausting you just want to lay down. But really, just organize the three page to-do list into five small ones, and check them off like a treasure hunt and I promise it's so little effort for such great relief and you will feel a million times better.'

I liked how she used the treasure hunt analogy. It was like she knew this would appeal to me. I am simple, and it did.

I used to worry I'd become like my mom when I was younger, but the older I get the more I realize, well,

She's just awesome. Even if I don't think so sometimes. So even though I can only be like me, I have noticed I am also a little like her, and it's not so bad.

Sometimes when I'm feeling cheeky, I get all proud of myself and think I'm very clever and can handle some things some one else can't. I suppose that's alright but will always be accessorized with a 'lingering feeling of self-doubt'. Because it's kind of not true (but this is really ok).

When you're not better off than someone, or worse off than someone, you're both just kind of there, right? Just two people, being people. The story doesn't end with a winner, or a loser, with inferiority or superiority... it doesn't end in front, or behind. In fact,

if you think of it another way, it's not you (here) and them (there)... it's us (together).

Mom also said,

'Of course you feel alone sometimes, like you have no friends, or you can't relate to anyone, it's the most human thing in the world!! We ALL feel this way, it's the most, 100% understandable human experience so just know, when you feel alone, you are not. Lots and lots of ppl are feeling alone at the exact same time as you. We could make a club.'

(we have, it's called the internet).

Anyway I could go on, but I won't because she says a lot of cool stuff that I can't remember exactly so I just end up making things up that sum the general gist of it. She also says a lot of mean stuff, but its because she's not stronger or smarter or less alone than anyone else.

But she's my mom, so to me she is a superhero anyway.

by the way, this is my grandmother (with my brother). She too is a superhero. I've used this photo three times in this blog I think, but I mean. C'mon.

Friday, June 6, 2008

logic and magic

logic and magic

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth
you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

- Kahlil Gibran -


My friend Melei from Maui posted this. I’ve always loved Kahlil Gibran because just like everything else in this world, he reminds of things I already know but have forgotten, right at the moment when I need it.

Yesterday I was walking down the escalator in the subway just as my ride to Harvard Square was screeching to a stop, and in my iPod, Johnny Cash was singing in my ears: ’I hear the train a-comin’...’

... I thought that was pretty cool, too.

When you’re grateful for the things in your life, it seems there is a fine line between such a thing being a blessing and a curse. I guess it has something to do with nostalgia. It’s hard to love the moments and experiences in your life in such a way that you do not mourn them when they are no longer there, but I guess that’s the whole point of it... compassionate detachment is where it’s at, if it is at all possible.

There is something eery and inhuman to me about one who does not ’miss’.. it’s not that I don’t think it’s a human characteristic... it just doesn’t seem to be a quality I can relate to. I am a very nostalgic person.

Can you be nostalgic, while at the same time appreciating the present moment?

Can you love the life you’ve lived, while at the same time loving the life you are living, and loving the thought of living the life you are about to live (and is that confusing enough for you?)

Can you love it all?

... I’m going to say ’Yes.’ I may be nostalgic, but I’m no pansy. I’m chock full of ambition.

I am, at the same time, currently full of joy and sorrow. It’s not supposed to make sense. It’s magic.

I got a call from my best friend Amanda the other day saying she had to talk to me right that second about Logic (the philosophical approach, not the audio software) and Magic. So I rolled a cigarette and left my desk for about an hour to talk to her... because I am responsible like that.

She said she’d been trying to put together a discussion about the logic/magic dichotomy... how the world of tangible, linear calculable and defineable elements is related to the world of serendipity, coincidence, intuition and fate.

’I’m having trouble,’ she said, ’describing magic in any sort of adequate way.’ It made me think about the Philosophy of Mind course I took in college many years ago, where we spent an entire semester trying to logically prove the statement ’Consciousness is a process of the brain.’

The short-comings of logic itself bear naked when we try to prove something that is self-evident, but epistemologically impossible to prove. This is why so many people turn to God... or one-ness.... or magic.... or democracy.

I told her it was impossible to explain with words because both ’explanation’ and ’words’ are inherently Logical parameters, and not Magical ones.

It’s like trying to measure your height in gallons. Trying to explain ’magic’ in words is like trying to figure out how fast the universe is growing with a thermometer.

She told me that she hasn’t since experienced the kind of magic that we felt almost two years ago when we were sitting on the rooftop of the tantra school the first day I’d arrived in Maui, and we sat in silent tears together because we were quite literally, overwhelmed with the perfection of that single moment in a way that words (coincidentally) could not explain.

We find it hard to say that magic does not exist after that moment. In a lot of ways, it might be one of the few completely real moments in our lives.

I am grateful for the realization that a truth exists beyond the parameters of logic. I can’t prove it, I just know it exists. Another word for this (if you want to be logical about it)... ... is faith.

We underestimate the power of believing in something we have no control over, or understanding of because it seems unreasonable to do so. While it is unreasonable, it should not be underestimated.

Amanda was wondering where the magic was, why she didn’t feel it anymore, wondering where to get it or whether she (we) were doing something wrong, and maybe that’s why we can’t feel it right now.

I told her, that I think it’s always there, just that we don’t always see it. That I truly believe that it is possible to find beauty in even the ugliest things, and to find magic in the most mundane, darkest, and dead-est moments of our lives. We just have to know it’s always there.... even though we can’t see it, even if there’s not a single sign of it. We just have to have faith, we have to believe, and that that belief has REAL power.

The mythology almost all humans have grown up with tries to tell us this in so many ways by drawing logical pictures around it, like throwing sand on invisible object so that we can see its shape.

In two seperate discussions with two seperate people, the movie ’Neverending Story’ came up- probably because it was one of the great contemporary tales of our own childhoods. In the movie, the very existence of an entire Universe relied on belief itself. No one believed in Fantasia anymore... and as a result the Nothing (they were quite literal with the naming of things) swept over everything, killing everything in its path. As her empire crumled, the child-like empress said to Sebastian, who (at the time) was just like you or me, and nothing special: ’All you have to do is believe’.

Flying dog dragons and wild 80s synth music aside, the Neverending Story was incredibly deep. In my childhood, it illustrated to me something true that couldn’t be proven...

... that without faith, we have Nothing.

So what are we doing when we mourn, and feel sorrow for the delights in our life that have come and gone... and where does this sorrow come from. I think part of me, as I feel nostalgic for past Magic that is no longer with me, is having a hard time seeing that it never left in the first place.

All our sorrow, everything we lack, is our Nothing. It’s not there, because we believe it’s gone.

We fear that the magical moments in our life have past, that our chance at love, or bliss, or of living the Perfect Moment has come and gone.... but every breath we take, every gaze straightforward is the start of a new adventure.

Every time we look for it, not because we can’t find it, but because we KNOW it’s there... then we will see. It’s magic.

I think the trick is knowing you have everything you need, even when you have nothing...

That even though you may have wants, nobody can take away your ability to be aware of and appreciate any and every experience that comes your way, no matter how difficult that experience may be. Until you draw your last breath, it’s all you’ll ever need.