Wednesday, June 20, 2007

09/21/2005 - First Breath After a Coma

I jumped out of the plane and my parachute didn't open

All at the same time, my pants fell down, and I peed myself

I was ashamed. I cried. Could things get any worse? I threw my hands up in resignation and the air resistance from the fall kept them up like that- up, in that ridiculous position.

My tears dried against the wind. No one even knew it happened

I was falling, and I fell

But when I finally gave up-

-time stopped-

and for the moment I was flying

My eyes opened... and the world was coming at me fast, coming closer to me. 'Come here, world... come here...'

I was me once, and soon I'd be something completely different

The laws of physics demand that I change form

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