Wednesday, June 20, 2007

2/21/2006 - Letter to Jade

Everybody goes through these motions of blah-ness. i certainly do pretty often, but i like to think of it in a few ways:

a) If it weren't for these moments, we wouldn't feel quite as elated during the times that they pass and life reveals its beauty (which is really always there and always will be) to us in a surge of inspiration that is overwhelming and cathartic... it's that whole 'there is no light without darkness' thing, only just a bit different. It is more like 'black and white are not quite as striking without the grey'. These moments add dimension.

b) that I am tired (like you said) or hormonally challenged... some biological disadvantage... whether this is true or not doesn't really matter (e.g.- i must be tired. i am going to drink some tea and sit in this comfy couch... that is a wonderful idea and it will make me feel better... placebo/belief/faith that a small action will remind you to appreciate the world really, really works), or

c)that this feeling of blah-ness is in and of itself a fascinating phenomena, that it can be as profound and beautiful and cathartic as the good parts, and the crazy bad parts, like a treasure we don't understand the value of

You don't seem to have any trouble placing yourself in a good frame of mind for things, and there is nothing more perpetual than overthinking simple situations. The answers to very complicated questions are always, always simple. But it's not about arriving at a conclusion, it's about the way you allow your mind to wander and the details and experiences you gain along the way. Everything passes. The good, the bad, the 'blah'. It's all good. It'll all what you take from it and what you do with it. I really think we all benefit in the long run from each other's experiences. I know I am enjoying reading about yours!

keep spreading the beauty around like a godly butter,


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