Wednesday, June 20, 2007

1/13/2006 - Slow

did you know that glass drips? it does.

really old glass windows in hundred-year-old houses are very drippy and bottom heavy. it's so viscous. it's the slowest moving liquid in the world. sit there under the sill for all eternity and eventually it will coat your bones. You'd be layered underneath, along with thousands of foggy breaths and wistful gazes and past day dreams of the future... which is long past by now.

this is the slowest day in the world. it is unfolding over me like old glass. i must be impatient. every minute feels like a lifetime of waiting. I am rolling an impossibly large boulder up an infinitely steep hill. I am falling asleep on and off in my chair. heart heavy. waiting for this to pass.

2:11pm. About 110 lifetimes to go.

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