Wednesday, July 11, 2007

10/06/06 - Buying Islands and Dinner with the Ex

speaking of reveling in past and future.

I wanted to wait until I scanned the pictures of the place, but I am far too excited for technology to keep up, so here's the scoop-

- Amanda and I had entertained visions of one day buying land on a tropical island, developing it and running it as a guest retreat- our own little slice of paradise on this planet, to love and be a part of, and delight ourselves in.

And so last night I was having dinner with my stepdad, discussing my experience in Maui and he recounted stories of the family farm in the Philippines, which I will recount to you now to the best of my ability-

A thirty minute bus ride from Manila to the shore of the main island, you hop into something called a hover pod. Yes. A hover pod. This contraption is a clear, dome shaped water vehicle on jet skis. You ride in this for about 45 minutes and dock at the shore of the island of Mindoro, originally named Mina de Oro ("gold mine" in Spanish).

At the foot of the mountain are 1000 hectors of land belonging to my stepfather's family. There is a fresh spring that trickles down to the bottom of the mountain to a pool formed by boulders that tumbled down the mountain's face maybe a hundred years ago. The water continues to trickle into a large swimming pool... belonging to a 5 bedroom 'city-style' house, complete with outdoor kitchen, and maid's quarters. The entire estate is surrounded by tropical orchards and mango trees.

My stepdad and his brother used to drive around in an old army weapons carrier vehicle with no brakes on the land. He said it was hilarious trying to drive a vehicle that size with no brakes... stick shift 3,2,1... rolling stop. Up the mountain live the indigenous tribes of the island, a very friendly lot called the Mangyan.

The house has been abandoned since the death of my stepdad's parents in the mid-nineties.

I get and idea, and I get very excited. "So, in about five years," I say, "Do you think Amanda and I could spend a few years out there renovating the place, making it inhabitable again?" I know how the jungle eats things.

"I don't see why not, but it's very rural and dangerous. You'd need an ATV, or water buffalo cart, cars don't make it out there. It'd be quite an adventure." He says. Goosebumps. So here's the plan:

I work in Boston for five years to save up money for this adventure. Then Amanda and I fly out to the Philippines to scope the property out. Nick from Maui, and Willem will meet us there. If it looks like something we can do, we chase the squatters out, live there and renovate the place. My stepdad's family is considering selling us the land for dirt cheap. The American dollar goes far there. Eventually, we might take it to a place where we occupy the maid's quarters and rent the rest of the house out as a retreat. I've seen pictures of the land. It's enough to make tears come to your eyes.

We can do this. We WILL do this. The island never has visitors that aren't Filipino. I think it will be the greatest adventure yet. Worlwide Gypsy Network. I'm serious.


While I'm looking at these pictures, feeling a little overwhelmed in the first place, Patrice (old high school buddy) calls me up and asks if I want to have drinks Friday night... with her, and with John Mayfield.

John was my first love. We were together the four years I was in high school, until about two-thirds into my freshman year of college, when I met someone else. Every boyfriend I've had since will tell you I never really got over him. He lives in Tokyo now, just back to visit family. I haven't spoken to him since March 2002.

Anyway. This is really only a big deal to me. In my imagination, he's going to back out last minute, so i'm not getting my hopes up as far as talking to him.

Oddly enough, when I told my mom about it, she told me that the phone call she'd answered that very morning when I was taking her to work was from my aunt, who said that Cesar, my mom's first love (in college) had called out of the blue for the first time in 15 years or so, asking if it was okay for him to call my mom.


And well then. I hope it goes well. Regardless, I am fresh from Maui, tan, 25 pounds lighter, healthy, confident, and on my way to something amazing. I've never felt better. I missed my high school reunion last week because the only person from high school I had any interest in seeing was John, and I knew he wouldn't be there. So I guess this is my little 'high school reunion'. It's been too long for it to be a soul-stabbing disaster, right? ;) I kid. It'll be fun.

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