Thursday, July 12, 2007

2/8/07 - Sometimes, the World She Spins Sideways

i don't know if i've ever been this off-balance in my life. i guess every year though, something's gotta give to get the wheels to start turning...

my boss has called me every morning since I left town, either to tell me he thinks about me all the time, or to apologize, or just to talk. Yesterday he called and asked if it was okay to send a masseuse to my house to help me get less stressed out. I accepted, and then declined about 30 seconds later.

on top of that, a few thousand conversations and vocalized thoughts later I decided the thing with the boss was not such a bad thing. If I handle it gracefully, it could be just right. Rob suggested I write a letter. Rachel suggested I sit down and really think about exactly what I need. I think it'll be fine. I'm just in no hurry to get back to work I suppose, and confront my boss.

Not much else to say. I'm not feeling particularly inspired. Just kind of 'chewin' on it all.

Today: paint. paint paint. sleep. clean the holy fuck out of my room. write letter to boss that I don't want to write. and brunch with rachel at Pho to kick it all off like a rockstar.

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